Art in Conversation with Dimitri Sibaev

Dmitri Sibaev is the artist, art historian and lecturer from Republic of Moldova. Topic of his theoretical research, as PhD student, is the problem of drawing in context of evolution of fine arts in his native country. Central subject of his oil paintings is the image of stairs, compositions is visual conceptualization, in context of contemporary art, of one of the oldest symbols of human civilization, with their philosophical, religious and historical meaning.
Visual Artist | Republic of Moldova

Artist Statement
Dmitri Sibaev is the artist, art historian and lecturer from Republic of Moldova. Topic of his theoretical research, as PhD student, is the problem of drawing in context of evolution of fine arts in his native country. Central subject of his oil paintings is the image of stairs, compositions is visual conceptualization, in context of contemporary art, of one of the oldest symbols of human civilization, with their philosophical, religious and historical meaning.
2017-present - PhD student at the Doctoral School of Humanities within the consortium administered by the State University of Moldova, Scientific leader: Mariana Slapac, corresponding member, PhD, associate professor.
2013-2015 - Master's degree in Graphics. Academy of Music, Theater and Fine Arts. Faculty of Fine Arts. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
2009-2013 - Graduated from the Academy of Music, Theater and Fine Arts. Faculty of Fine Arts. Graphic Chair. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
2001-2009 - Republican High School, “Igor Vieru” Boarding School of Fine Arts Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Since 2013 lecturer at the Academy of Music, Theater and Fine Arts. Department: Technical-theoretical disciplines in visual arts, discipline - History of Arts, Composition and arrangement of the exhibition space (2016-2018).
In 2015, assistant professor at the Technical University of Moldova. Chair: Industrial Clothing Design, discipline - Graphics.
2015-2018 teacher at the Academic High School of Fine Arts "Igor Vieru"
2019 - present Intern member of the Union of Fine Artists of the Republic of Moldova. Painting Section.