Art in Conversation
with Radu Gheorghian
I am convinced that art is the sustenance and balance I need. It may seem selfish, but I also take the sacrifice. Radu Gheorghian
Dominated by the tradition of the Romanian school and by the rigor and elegance of the classical style, I experiment with oil painting, mixed media, needle engraving (aquaforte, pointe-sèche) or easel graphics. I approach two dichotomous areas: the first is in fact an impressionist painting in which the color predominates over the form and the motif, either plein-air or still life, is internalized by revelation. Painting fully satisfies my desire to use the whole pictorial range, from chiaroscuro to chromatic contrasts, however the pictorial problems are secondary. For me, any still life is a scene in which objects become actors. It is a static scene in essence, but dynamic in its latency.
The second area, much more serious, but more diverse, imposes the form, the dynamic fantasy of the line in symbolic compositions, with bookish archetypes, inspired by the cappricio from the Italian and Spanish Baroque.
In other words, my history is a long series of motifs and capriccios, the motif becoming a copy of the internalized reality, and the capriccio being a spontaneous improvisation, an imaginary but plausible architecture of the world.
Painter | Romania
Artist Statement
Radu Gheorghian
Graduated Graphic Arts at the Institute of Fine Arts Nicolae Grigorescu from Bucharest
Graduation year - 1981, mentor teacher - Octav Grigorescu
Member U.A.P. since 1997.
2010 - IRECSON Gallery (painting and graphics)
2008 - Octavian Goga County Library of Cluj-Napoca (metal etching, painting)
2008 ORIZONT Gallery (painting)
1999 HANUL cu TEI Gallery (painting)
1999 CAMINUL ARTEI Gallery (painting and metal etching)
1997 HANUL cu TEI Gallery (pastels)
2017 - Simeza Gallery
2013 - G.A.M.B. Gallery
2010 Exhibition of medieval arts at CURTEA VECHE (Municipal Old Court)
2010 CAMINUL ARTEI (pastels, etching)
2009 Parliament House, Hall C. Brancusi: Anniversary Exhibition of the School of Fine Arts Nicolae Tonitza
2009 Exhibition of medieval arts at CURTEA VECHE (Municipal Old Court) (aquaforte, painting)
2009 Museum of History and Art from Blaj
1999 Parliament House, C. Brancusi Hall; exhibition of decorative art (painting on glass)
1999 CERCUL MILITAR (graphics)
1998 Parliament House, Hall C. Brancusi (composition - metal engraving)
1989 Republican GRAPHICS - Dalles Hall (composition - metal engraving, mixed technique)
1988 Municipal Graphics - Dalles Hall (composition - metal engraving, mixed technique)
1986 National Art Museum (Still life composition - aquaforte)
1983 Dalles Hall (composition - mixed technique)
1981 Dalles Hall (Still life- aquaforte)
2020 - Eforie Sud, Sincretic Arts
2020 - Maldarasti, National Architecture Values
2019 - Târgu - Jiu, Old Architecture Monuments
Arcus 2010 Cultural Center – Sf. Gheorghe
2009 International Art Camp in Blaj "Innocentiu Micu-Klein"
1999 Cadaques (Spain) metal etching (miniature)
1998 Cadaques (Spain) metal etching (miniature)
1997 Cadaques (Spain) metal etching (miniature)
1997 Sapporo (Japan) metal etching
1987 Rijeka (Croatia) easel graphic
Works purchased by the Museum of arts from Blaj and Arcus Culture Center; also in private collections from Romania, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Greece, Britain, Canada, Japan, Australia.
1982 - 1990 Ed DIDACTICA (Picture books and educational games)
1985 - Ed RECOOP (illustration educational game)
1989 - Technical Publishing House
1990 - Publisher BOOM ( comics)
Orthodox Church of Rasinari - monument of XVIII century
1991-1993 School No. 95 (Bucharest)
1993-2007 School No.179 and School. 6 (Bucharest)
1997-2003 - part-time at Syrian School and Japanese School from Bucharest
2003-2004 - British International School of Bucharest
2008-2009 National College GHEORGHE LAZAR and Central School
2009-2010 School of Fine Arts and Technical College NICOLAE TONITZA and Architecture College N. SOCOLESCU
AWARDS in school competitions obtained by the students:
1999 - Icons of child`s soul - Special Jury's Prize
2010 - "The Village Museum - the museum of dreams" contest, International Children's Day, June 2010 - third prize
2010- Teacher coordinator Painting exhibition graphics and Dell 'Arte - Theatre Notarra
2010 - Member of the jury and Decorative Arts National, the sixth edition, organized by the School "Anastasia Popescu", May 2010